Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Passo Fundo Week 3

So, I totally forgot about thanksgiving until i got on email today. Wow, crazy, eat a lot for me people cause no di, they definately dont celebrate that delicious holiday here. Firstly, i need to tell you about our holiday we created today!! We called our beloved lez´s (zone leaders) to see whats up, and somehow we decided to have AMERICA DAY!! So we met at the mall where they have an imitation macdonalds and subway, bought a coke, and had a feast!! Actually it was A TINY amount of food, and it was RIDICULOUSLY espensive, and it didnt taste lke subway or macdonalds (i had to buy the subway after i finished my big mac cause i was still starving) but it was AWESOME! ill send a picture.
Now, i need to tell you about my two first horrifying experiences this week!! Yayyy! 1. My first traumatic spider incident. So, wed night, we finish praying, i get up to close the door, and behind i find a nice big friend waiting for me!! Big as my palm, no lie. Yeah, i didnt sleep for two nights. 2. My first crazy person incident. Sun night I awake about 2 to people SCREAMING (demonnniiias!! (demons)) and glass breaking. I think its just idiots partying (idiots party here) until i hear BOOM BOOM BOOM. I start waking up thinking thats REALLY close.. it was then my comp GRABS my foot and pulls me down to the floor telling me someone was shooting!! Not sure if i told you the bishop lives below us, and his store is the first floor. Big mess in the morning, felt real bad for the bispo. Everyone was out in the streets after, crazy brasil.
We had divisions thursday. I went and worked in Erecheim (furthest city east in our mish) with..ELDER HARKER. Remember him? Yeah, not fun. He didnt say a word to any of his investigators.. it was kind of a conf. booster for me though, i understood most of it! i kind of had to dominate the conversation.. Good to travel a little though. On the way i read an awesome aritcle that i KNOW dad will remember. Coisas como realmente são (things as they really are) by david r. Bednar. Classic.
Week wise it was pretty good! We had our baptism (felipe) and Gilmar and Selete are really progressing! They are the family of 4 that i just love. nights like last night make the mission worth it, we had a family night with a member. We ate hot dogs (very different from what you are thinking) watched the joseph smith movie, and had a small testimony meeting. Everyone was in tears, and they have accepted to be married and baptized! It is going to be so difficult. We are going to the ex (she´s still married...) today to get his approval. Marriage is s chore here. And we do all the work.
So, i am having some serious bug issues.. Every morning i wake up with like 5 new bites. and they are big and hurt so bad. Cockroaches are getting riciculous, and we have these wierd bugs that we kill, and blood splatters EVERYWHERE. Like, a lot of blood. We think its ours, they are like mesquitos on steroids. Thanks for the letters, i finally got some! As far as mine, as you probably figured they will be fewer and further in between, but this means that im working my butt off and dont have time to write! I would still like some occasionally if you could though.. i know email is SO much easier, but its nice to get letters! Tell corb thanks for the wedding invitiation! That was really nice of them. They look really good.
We are halfway done with the transfer. Crazy. We speculate often about what the chances are of both of us sticking around... I actually think pretty good. We both want to stay, and i honestly think i would cry if i left before i got to see this family baptized. (Gilmar and Selete) not to mention we might have 3 wedding parties in 1 week!?? FESTA!! This place is crazy. Im starting to miss food a lot. Eating a sort of real burger didnt help. (NO where else has burgers) Overall the food isnt bad and SOMETIMES can be incredible. Real brazilian food is un imaginable, better than tucanos, no lie. But rice and beans EVERY day gets old. The people are good. They just need to stop smoking and having sex!! Easier said that actually done. I love you all and hope your thanksgiving is fabulous. Eu sei que esta igreja é a maneira para vida eterna. Só por meio o evengelho podemos voltar á presenca de Deus e vivermos com nossas familias para sempre. Joseph SMICHE foi um profets. Temos uma profeta vive em Thomas S. Monson. Como grande é nossa chamada.

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