Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Last week in passo fundo...Maybe, I hope not

Hello People.

It was a fast wierd week here in Passo Fundo. I serioualy am having serious mental blocks even remembering what happened at the start of the week. It feels like so long ago, yet yesterday at the same time.. Wierd. But Friday was sick. We had zone conference in CAXIAS. Which is a pretty big tourist hot spot around here. Legit, i will send lots of pictures. We got up at 4 to take a 4 hour bus, and im learning fast that any time missioaries get around each other shanangians happen. Fun stuff. We also had a special training conference on monday for just our zone. Had my first interviews with pres... he´s scary. But pretty chill. I get the impression i will stay here for another transfer..

Speaking of... this is the last week of the transfer! I really hope i stay.. But i will know on Monday. Therefore, my p day COULD be on monday next week, IF i get transferred, stay tuned. Anyways, this is random, but its really wierd how your taste buds start to change. For example, i hated guarana, black beans, and pinapple in the ctm, but now i have them everyday, and love them! Wierd. Jumping topics, did i ever say anything about my ward here? I think not. Its awesome. They are sick, my bishop is literally the best in the mission, and both he and the missio leader do things. (rare here) We have 3 missioaries that will leave this january (2 to São Pàulo, 1 to Recife) One of their older brothers is like my best friend here, Felipe. he is a RM from Orlando, speaks FLAWLESS english, and loves basketball. Yeah, he´s tight. Speaking of Felipe, I am so proud of the other felipe. (/our baptism) He is progressing so well, and received the priesthood!

So, a little more about our progression this week. Let me tell you one thing that i cant stand about brasil. Nothing is planned, and nothing is organized. It makes for difficult missionoary work. Example, had a big Chá Missionario (come give me the stuff i need) party that was supposed to start at 7. We are there with everyone waiting till 830, when the fam arrived with food and it started. No one respects our time. Especially our investigators. Its really frustrating. Our marriages continue to have problems.. Gilmar fell back into drugs again, and Selete has had it. She is so sick of trying. We spent at hour there yesterday literally having them yell at each other in front of us and their kids. I felt like a marriage conselour, and it sucked. We somehow managed to salvage the spirit and give a lesson, i hope it sunk in. We made the decision that we will still baptize the kids this week. I hope it gives, there are more complications, not enough room to explain.

I also had the pleasure yesterday of finding out that another one of our marriage couple, who has a date also this week, had a bit of a small little hiccup... that hiccupp being that the ´husband`spent the money the bishop gave him for marriage on what i think is another woman. Unreal. This lady though.. seriously i dont know if i can baptize her anyways. Its like talking to a brick wall. I ask her if she has a testimony of the book of mormon and she asks me what blessing she will recieve if she pays a fast offering. Unreal. Not sure what were going to do with her..

Quck respones to questions. Dad, the drug war your talking about. WOW. Its HUGE in rio right now, like, borderline civil war huge, but you can see it all over the country. 2014 is their date. Mom, no, i was being dead literal when i say pepole dont HAVE clothes. I have many investigators that im quite sure have 1 shirt.. because ive never seen a different one. QUICK story cause this is way too long. highlight of the week. We are knocking doors after a crappy day where EVERYTHING fell, my comp says lets cross and knock THAT house. We knock. nothing. knock. nothing. FINALLY a tall dude with full on moses beard comes out. Filthy dirty, gross t shirt, ripped short shorts, Pretty sure he didnt have toilet paper after i shook his hand. anyways, he wouldnt even let us in, but listened to a 2 min version of our message. We invited him to church, and asked if we could come pick him up. He accepts. Long story short, we go and hes not there. shocker. We show up the church, and someone taps me on the shoulder. I LITERALLY did not even recognize Luiz (We call him Abraâo) he had shaved his giant beard, taken a shower, and was wearing a clean collered shirt. he stayed all 3 meetings, and we are going back tomorrow. The lord works in wierd ways.

Sorry this is so long. I love my family. And i love this church. So fun to recieve my buddies mish letters this week, and while i am convinced i will never have that gushing speech that they have about their mission, i do know this church is true. That sucks for Tony parker that eva left him, but steve nash is cooler anyways. Tell them to all come here, their situation will be less complicated than my marriages now. Thats tight brett and melissa are in utah! but why did they wait until now! i love you all. This work is great and will never stop.

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